The Event

The last five years have marked a period of significant policy and legislative activity in the field of digital policymaking, particularly as the e-commerce and retail sectors have matured and evolved at speed. The introduction of novel services and platforms has necessitated the creation of European rules that account for the evolving technological landscape, while ensuring high levels of consumer protection and the development of the single market.

This year’s Competitive Retail Innovation Summit will bring together European businesses, consumer and policy experts at a critical time to discuss the future of rulemaking in the area. The conference will focus on how the EU can design effective digital policies over the next five years that will leave a longer-term impact on Europe’s ability to foster innovation, enable business compliance and safeguard European citizens as online services continue to develop.

Key Themes
Innovating Retail for a Competitive European Market Place


Networking Lunch
1300 - 1400
Welcoming Remarks
1400 - 1405
Keynote Speech
1405 -1430
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Designing the next 5 years: Trust and Cooperation between Business, Consumers and Policymakers
1430 - 1545

From the single market through to transatlantic cooperation, digital services, ecommerce and retail, play a fundamental role in the economic potential of the European union. The next legislature will continue to work to fuse the congruent demands of economic, consumer and political interests in these sectors, but where should policymaking attention now turn? For rules that have been agreed within the current mandate, how can ongoing compliance and enforcement be streamlined? And for issues that will remain on the table, and for others set to be developed, how should policymakers build rules that further expand Europe’s economic footprint and secure its position as a place to do business, while providing consumers with the products, services and protections they require?

Networking Break
1545 - 1615
Responsible Consumption: Maturing the business and consumer dynamic to deliver a sustainable retail sector
1615 - 1730

The cooperation between consumers and businesses in fostering sustainable and green consumption practices within the EU must be an ongoing endeavour. The EU's robust regulatory framework, combined with growing consumer awareness and business innovation, provides a solid foundation for deepening this cooperative relationship and advancing towards a circular and sustainable future. How should the EU move forward with its green and digital transition and what role should the ecommerce and retail sectors play over the next 5 years and beyond? Is there an improved bargain to be struck between business and consumers, and what might this look like?

Networking Cocktail
1730 - 1830

All times are CEST

1300 - 1400

Networking Lunch

1400 - 1405

Welcoming Remarks

1405 - 1430

Keynote Speech

1430 - 1545

Designing the next 5 years: Trust and Cooperation between Business, Consumers and Policymakers

From the single market through to transatlantic cooperation, digital services, ecommerce and retail, play a fundamental role in the economic potential of the European union. The next legislature will continue to work to fuse the congruent demands of economic, consumer and political interests in these sectors, but where should policymaking attention now turn? For rules that have been agreed within the current mandate, how can ongoing compliance and enforcement be streamlined? And for issues that will remain on the table, and for others set to be developed, how should policymakers build rules that further expand Europe’s economic footprint and secure its position as a place to do business, while providing consumers with the products, services and protections they require?



1545 - 1615

Networking Break

1615 - 1730

Responsible Consumption: Maturing the business and consumer dynamic to deliver a sustainable retail sector

The cooperation between consumers and businesses in fostering sustainable and green consumption practices within the EU must be an ongoing endeavour. The EU’s robust regulatory framework, combined with growing consumer awareness and business innovation, provides a solid foundation for deepening this cooperative relationship and advancing towards a circular and sustainable future. How should the EU move forward with its green and digital transition and what role should the ecommerce and retail sectors play over the next 5 years and beyond? Is there an improved bargain to be struck between business and consumers, and what might this look like?

1730 -1830

Networking Cocktail


Reynders speaker white circle

Didier Reynders

Commissioner for Justice, European Commission

mailing circle speaker image

Alexia Bertrand

Secretary of State for Budget and Consumer Protection, Ministry of Justice, Belgium

Eva 2mailing circle speaker image

Eva Faict

Country Manager, Belgium, Amazon

Blanca Rodriguez circle website image

Blanca Rodriguez Galindo

Acting Director, Unit B2.2, DG JUST, European Commission

Ursula 2

Ursula Pachl

Deputy Director General, BEUC

Stefan Moritz website pic

Stefan Moritz

Secretary General, European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME

Amaryllis Verhoeven circle website image

Amaryllis Verhoeven

Head of Unit, Digital Transformation of Industry, DG GROW, European Commission

James waterworth circle image 2

James Waterworth

Director, EU Public Policy, Amazon


Stephan Tromp

Managing Director, IFS Management GmbH (IFS) and Deputy Chief Executive, German Retail Association (HDE)

Luca Cassetti cicle website imgae

Luca Cassetti

Secretary General, Ecommerce Europe


Kostas Rossoglou

Head of Public Policy and Government Affairs, EMEA & International, Shopify

Karen ECC

Karen Ghysels

Director, EEC NET Belgium


Leendert Jan de Olde

Director Ecodesign & Sustainability, Philips

Juliette 2

Juliette Beaulaton

Public Affairs Advisor, Ecommerce Europe

Pierre 1

Pierre Hausemer

Managing Director, VVA Group


Dustin Wisotzky

Partner, Oliver Wyman

Filip website

Filip Van den Abeele

Freelance Journalist and Moderator

More confirmed speakers will be added here shortly.


Should you have any questions about this event, please contact Forum Europe using the details below:

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This event will take place in person only, with places free of charge.